4 DIY Halloween Costumes You Can Make with the Kids
Forgot to get a costume and now you’re strapped for time? Don’t fret. There are plenty of costumes you can DIY — and your kid can even help!
Some require only a few supplies, while many use items you already have at home.
Need quick DIY Halloween costumes you can make with the kids? Here are 4 options:
1. Lego block.
Turn your kiddo into a real-life Lego block. Just take an old box, cut out a large rectangle shape, and glue two egg carton cups onto the front of it. Then, paint over the entire surface in a solid color (red, blue, or yellow are common Lego colors). Once it dries, dress your child in head to toe in that hue, put a string around the top of the rectangle, and hang it from their neck.
If you have the time, you could even make similar costumes for the whole family, and go as an entire Lego set!
2. Grapes.
Going as a bunch of grapes is as easy as blowing up a handful of balloons. Just get some in all green or all purple, blow them up in slightly differing sizes, and tape or pin them to your kiddos’ clothes. For the leaves/stem, just pin some construction paper cutouts to a hat or beanie, and that’s a wrap.
3. Jellyfish.
When it comes to DIY Halloween costumes, this one’s super easy. All it takes is an umbrella, some ribbons or streamers, and two googly eyes. You’ll need to open up the umbrella and hot glue or pin the streamers/ribbons all along the perimeter. They should hang around your kiddo like the jellyfish’s tentacles when they hold the umbrella up.
As a finishing touch, glue some googly eyes to the front of the umbrella. You can also opt for construction paper eyes like this. Finally, dress your child in a solid color (either matching the umbrella/streamers or maybe blue for water), and you’re done.
4. Pencil.
If your little one has some tan or yellow clothing, this one’s a breeze. Just take a plain birthday hat, and paint or color it to look like the tip of a pencil (black at the tip, with white on the bottom two-thirds). Then, take a piece of masking tape and write “NO. 2” in black marker or a pencil brand, like “TICONDEROGA.” You’ll put this going vertically down your child’s body.
That’s it! If your child has pink or red shoes, incorporate those, too. They can make for the “eraser.”
Done with your DIY Halloween costumes? Here’s more fall fun
Don’t just stop at DIY Halloween costumes. Want more fun with the kids? Try these fall recipes, family activities, or kid-friendly home improvement projects.