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    It’s a good time to sell a home. In fact, according to recent data, the average U.S. home seller brings in over $65,000 in profits — an all-time high, apparently.

    But despite the high demand and potentially high profits, selling a house is no easy feat — especially when you’re still living there. There’s the cleaning, the last-minute showings, and the parade of buyers coming in and out, and it can actually be quite disruptive to your daily life.

    Want to make sure your home sale is as manageable as possible? These hacks can help:

    1. Designate a getaway spot. You can’t sell what you don’t show, so instead of turning away last-minute showings, designate an easy getaway place. Can you head to a neighbor’s in a pinch? Your mom’s or in-laws? Ask for a spare key just in case they’re not home when you need to escape.
    2. Stock your closets. Stick a large bin or basket in every closet in the house. When you need to get out quickly for a showing, use these to store any toys, clothes, or other clutter that’s out or on the floor. This keeps the house looking clean without actually requiring much work.
    3. Have a go-bag. You never know when a showing might crop up, so make sure you’re ready to go the next time one does. Put together a go-bag with everything you’ll need to escape with. Taking the kids? Throw snacks, a change of clothes, and some wipes in there. Bringing Fido? Add a leash and some chew toys.
    4. Clear out what you don’t need. If you don’t use it daily, go ahead and pack it up and put it in a storage unit. Better yet, clean out your closets and donate some stuff to charity. It will mean less upkeep while your home’s on the market, and it will also make moving easier once you find a buyer.
    5. Use tech to your advantage. Technology can make selling your home infinitely easier. Install smart locks to ensure your neighbor can stop by and hide that dirty laundry before your next showing, and use app-controlled thermostats to make your place more comfortable before buyers arrive. Smart security systems and video doorbells are a good idea, too, as they can help you keep an eye on the property when people are coming and going.

    Planning on selling your house and buying a new one? Contact Embrace Home Loans today and get pre-qualified before starting your search.

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