Is Real Estate Coaching for You? 5 Questions to Ask Before You Invest

Many real estate agents hire coaches to help take them to the next level in their careers. However, coaching is not necessarily the right choice for everyone. If you’ve been toying with the idea of investing in a coach, read on below. We’ve laid out five questions to ask yourself before you make the investment in a real estate coach so that you can be sure that you’re ready to get the biggest benefit from signing up.
1. Are you ready to make changes in your business?
When you’re thinking of investing in coaching, the most important thing to ask yourself is if you are in the right place to make changes in your business. The reality is that, if you hire a coach, their job will be to help you grow as a business owner. However, in order to do that, coaches often need to ask you to step outside your comfort zone.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if you’re ready to be pushed to try new methods. If you feel like you’re ready to make changes, coaching may be a good step for you at this point.
On the other hand, if you feel like you might be resistant to someone pointing out ways in which you can stand to improve, it may not be a worthwhile investment.
2. Have you thought about your business goals?
When you talk to a coach, one of the first things they’ll ask you is what your goals are for your business. At base, this question helps to give them some context for what they may work on with you and how you’ll define their success. Essentially, the more information you can give them about your goals, the more you’ll get out of coaching.
With that in mind, take some time to think about what your goals are before researching your coaching options. Consider where you are now and how you hope to grow. Whenever possible keep your goals specific and actionable.
Once you have two or three concrete goals in mind for how you would like to grow in your business, you’ll be in an ideal place to receive coaching. If you’re struggling to come up with specifics, you may want to wait until you have a clearer picture in mind for how to move forward before you invest in a coaching scenario.
3. Have you researched your coaching options?
Once you’re clear on what you may want to get out of coaching, the next step is to do some research into the options that are available to you. There are many different coaching formats out there, but most fall into one of two categories. Usually, you can either choose to enter a group coaching program or to focus on one-on-one coaching instead.
In this case, you’ll want to think about which type of setup may work best for you so that you can then start to research specific coaches. If your main focus is to find something affordable, group coaching may be a better option. But, if you’d rather be the main focus, one-on-one coaching may be a better bet.
4. Do you have the time to invest in coaching right now?
There’s no getting around the fact that undergoing coaching is a huge time commitment. Not only do you have to make space in your schedule for regular meetings with your coach, but you also have to make time in between those meetings to implement whatever new processes you decide on with your coach.
That said, it’s important to make sure that you have enough time to devote to this process before you make the commitment. Otherwise, you may not get as much out of coaching as you had originally intended.
If you’re looking for new events to add to your schedule, now may be a good time for you to be coached. However, if you’re struggling to balance all of your current commitments, you may want to wait until things calm down a bit.
5. Can you afford the financial commitment?
Similarly, coaching is usually also a big financial investment. Coaches, especially the well-known ones that have already developed a following, tend to charge a pretty penny for their services. Even if you think that you’re in the right place mentally for coaching, you still need to make sure that you can afford it before you take the leap.
Fortunately, most coaches offer free introductory sessions before you become a client. These sessions are often where the coach will let you know about what type of services they offer, their fees, and any payment plans they have available. Be sure to listen carefully to the options that you’re given.
Even though coaching can usually become a tax write-off, you’ll still want to make sure that the figure works in your budget before you sign on the dotted line.