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    If you’ve been thinking about joining Twitter, you’re not alone. There are roughly 48.35 million active Twitter users in the United States and around 42% of them use the platform daily, which means that it is a hotbed for potential lead generation.

    With that in mind, if you’ve been convinced to give Twitter a try, keep reading. We’re bringing you some quick tips that will help you to start building an engaging Twitter presence in no time flat.

    1. Start by optimizing your profile

    The first step toward having an active Twitter presence is filling out a profile. In this case, you’ll have two main objectives that you’ll want to achieve before you go live.

    First, you should make sure that your profile for this website matches the existing branding that you have set up elsewhere. This means choosing a similarly-colored theme, using the same logo or professional headshot as your profile picture, and, if possible, utilizing the same header image.

    Additionally, you’ll want to take the time to ensure that your Twitter profile is properly connected to all your other marketing efforts. For example, you’ll want to take the time to put a link to your website in your Twitter bio and a follow icon for Twitter in your email signature and on your other social media pages.

    2. Develop a Twitter content strategy

    Next, it’s important to take some time to think of what your content strategy will be for this platform. While it may be tempting to just sign up and start firing off tweets, you’ll ultimately have a much more cohesive and professional online presence if you follow an established strategy.

    In truth, there’s no singular way to be successful on Twitter. However, if you need a sample strategy to get you started, yours could look like the following:

    • Self-promotional marketing (listings, links to your website, etc) – 25%
    • Helpful client-facing content (buying and selling guides, etc) – 25%
    • Relevant industry news – 20%
    • Local area news – 20%
    • Behind-the-scenes looks into your business – 10%

    Once you’ve started with a strategy, the important thing is to monitor your results and to make changes as needed. Put simply, while you always want to have a mix of content, figure out what type of content gets the most engagement and move that to the forefront.

    3. Tweet often, but do it the right way

    In general, Twitter is a social media platform that runs on frequency, which means that, if you want to build a following, you’re going to have to be prepared to tweet fairly often. In fact, Co-Schedule, a popular marketing blog, recommends tweeting as many as 15 times per day to keep followers engaged.

    That said, the good news is that it isn’t a requirement to tweet that much. If one or two times per day feels more manageable at the outset, start there and see how it goes. Luckily, you can even schedule your tweets ahead of time using a social media management application.

    There are best practices to follow when you tweet as well. For example, tweets with photos are thought to perform better in terms of engagement, and tweets that use hashtags are meant to help you reach more followers — beyond the ones who are already following you.

    4. Don’t forget to engage with others in your network

    While tweeting out your own original content is important, keep in mind that shouldn’t be the entire focus of your Twitter presence. In addition, you’re going to want to engage the network that you’ve built by liking, retweeting, and commenting on others’ posts.

    Even if you schedule the vast majority of your tweets via an app, you should spend at least a few minutes each day interacting with others on your timeline. Put simply, often these gestures are reciprocated and it’s a good way to start interacting with others who don’t follow you on the platform.

    If you need a suggestion on how to get started, a good practice is to follow your peers and any other industry-adjacent professionals who you happen to work with on a regular basis. Since you’re familiar with them offline, it should be easy to start interacting with their posts semi-regularly.

    5. Remember to stay professional, but human

    Above all, you’ll want to do your best to keep your presence on Twitter as professional as possible. While that can mean different things to different people, typically, it means refraining from posting or engaging in any conversations that you wouldn’t feel appropriate bringing up in an office setting.

    However, there is a balance to be struck between maintaining a professional presence and seeming manufactured. In general, accounts that have a human edge to them tend to do better overall than those that focus strictly on industry content.

    With that said, you don’t have to tweet about details of your personal life if you feel uncomfortable doing so. Tweeting photos of happy clients holding the keys to their first home or about a team celebration of your assistant’s birthday is enough.

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