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    Defining Values

    Embrace Love Value

    Embrace Love Value

    With the 2017 release of Embrace Home Loans’ updated purpose statement and core values, it is the Talent Development team’s hope that employees will strive now, more than ever, to infuse these ideals into their personal and professional lives on a daily basis. In the coming months, a different core value will be featured in the monthly eNewsletter as it is being successfully applied here or in other industries as part of our initiative to further develop an enriching, positive company culture.

    The Embrace Purpose Statement dictates, “We enrich the lives of our customers, teammates and business partners by conducting ourselves in a loving manner to help our customers create homes.” This month, we are excited to take a closer look at the Embrace core value of love as it pertains to living one’s life according to the Embrace mission.

    Embrace defines love as “the currency by which virtues like empathy, compassion, generosity, service, patience, perseverance, forgiveness, and truthfulness transact. It connects us to others and is requisite to existing for a purpose beyond ourselves. It places us at our best and enables the best in others.” Love, in essence, should permeate employees’ every interaction and process not only as coworkers, but also in providing quality services to valued clients.

    At first glance, many employees might share the same thought: how could love possibly play a role in one’s day-to-day professional life? How does love even figure into the development of appropriate relationships between coworkers and with clients? It’s easy to dismiss love as a feeling that belongs strictly outside the workplace; but this simply isn’t true. From a professional standpoint, I feel fortunate to have experienced the impact of love in action here, and believe it is a vital component of the Embrace culture.

    The presence of love in the workplace enables productivity. Personally, I look forward to going into the office and hitting the ground running each morning because I am inspired by teammates who consistently exemplify this value in their own unique ways. Coworkers can infuse love into their work by offering kind words of support to one another, listening to others’ ideas or concerns, and willingly providing a helping hand when necessary. Sometimes love is in the little things, too; like sharing a gentle reminder with a stressed-out coworker not to take himself too seriously, or offering a simple nod of recognition for a job well-done.

    According to an article entitled “Employees Who Feel Love Perform Better” from Harvard Business Review by Sigal Barsade and Olivia A. O’Neill, “the more love co-workers feel at work, the more engaged they are. (Note: Here we’re talking about ‘companionate love’ which is far less intense than romantic love. Companionate love is based on warmth, affection, and connection rather than passion).” Utilizing data collected in a longitudinal study, “What’s Love Got to Do With It?: The Influence of a Culture of Companionate Love in the Long-Term Care Setting,” researchers drew conclusions they found applicable across all industries, not just in healthcare settings. They discovered that “Employees who felt they worked in a loving, caring culture reported higher levels of satisfaction and teamwork. They showed up to work more often. [Their] research also demonstrated that this type of culture related to client outcomes” in a positive manner (Barsade).

    A follow-up study surveying “… 3,201 employees in seven different industries from financial services to real estate” produced results similar to the original study. “People who worked in a culture where they felt free to express affection, tenderness, caring, and compassion for one another were more satisfied with their jobs, committed to the organization, and accountable for their performance” (Barsade).

    … So what concrete steps can Embrace employees take to incorporate love into their daily work? Barsade and O’Neill suggest leaders do at least three things:

    1. Broaden your definition of culture: How can you cultivate and enrich “emotional culture” to the same degree that you promote “cognitive culture” (i.e., teamwork, results-orientation, innovation)? “Emotional culture can be based on love or other emotions, such as joy or pride” (Barsade).  

    2. Your mood creates a “cultural blueprint” for your team. “Pay attention to the emotions you’re expressing to employees every day” (Barsade).

    3. “Consider how your company policies and practices can foster greater affection, caring, compassion, and tenderness among workers.” Note the examples set by companies such as Whole Foods, Zappos, and Cisco for inspiration (more information can be found in the article) (Barsade).


    Recently, my supervisor, Director of Talent Development, Julie Chipman, referenced a brilliant aphorism that especially resonated with me, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” While typically utilized in political and economic contexts, this simple statement applies just as seamlessly to workplace interactions and relations. By lifting each other up through the power of love, Embrace employees are much more likely to experience abundant career fulfillment and growth across the board.

    All employees are encouraged to lead according to the guiding principle of love. In doing so, we positively represent the Embrace Home Loans brand. By treating one another and our clients with the same affection, sympathy, and kindness we desire in return, the possibilities are virtually endless in terms of career potential.

    Learn more about the profound influence of love in the workplace


    Barsade, Sigal, and Olivia A. O’Neill. “Employees Who Feel Love Perform Better.” Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business Publishing, 01 Nov. 2014. Web. 07 Feb. 2017.

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