Developing Your Plan of Attack for a Clutter-Free Home

Living clutter-free is easier said than done — especially if you’re starting with an already cluttered home.
Where do you even begin?
How do you keep it clean once you’re done?
And most importantly, how can you get your kids on board?
Here’s a five-step plan to help:
- Pare down. Go through your closets, drawers, cabinets, and shelves, and start paring down. Decide what to donate, what to throw away, and what to keep — with the goal of minimizing as much as possible. Having trouble deciding? Ask yourself: if you saw the item in a store today, would you buy it? Does it still serve a purpose in your life? If the answer is no (or you’re unsure), kick it to the curb.
- Stick to the one-touch method. The one-touch method aims to have you only touch an item one time in between uses. That means no putting your coat on the counter when you get home, only to have to move it to the closet once the kids go to bed. Instead, when you touch or pick up an item, aim to do so only once and put it in it’s designated storage spot until you need it next.
- Instate the in-out rule. Buying something new for the home? Take something old out. Don’t let new purchases overcrowd your home and force you to clog up storage space with old stuff. When you bring a new item in, remove an older item to make space.
- Invest in organizers. A closet with just one shelf and one hanging rod is wasting precious real estate. Use the space to its fullest, and install hanging organizers with different sized cubbies, shelves and racks, and do the same for cabinets, shelves and other storage areas, too — especially the garage and attic!
- Designate “homes” for everyone. This is especially important if you have kids (or a messy spouse!) Give each member of the household a designated storage space — a closet, cabinet, or shelf that’s all their own. Encourage them to organize their storage homes and keep them tidy, but allow some free reign to store and save what they want.
A clutter-free home can reduce stress levels and help keep your property in nicer, cleaner conditions — something that’s vital when it comes time to sell. Want more help making the most of your home investment? Contact a loan officer at Embrace Home Loans today.