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    There’s a lot of talk about digital and tech-driven marketing lately, but don’t be fooled: they’re not the end-all-be-all when it comes to driving new business. 

    In fact, most of the old standards are still pretty effective — at least in the real estate world.

    Are you looking for a way to drum up new clients without spending too much (or getting too technical?) These classic techniques can help:

    Local networking events

    Successful real estate agents have wide and deep networks — both personally and professionally. They know the movers and shakers in the community as well as those in their industry, and they have partners and referral sources spread all over.

    With that said, networking should always be a part of your marketing strategy. Attend conferences and happy hours (ideally virtually ones during this pandemic), and make it a point to stay in touch with old colleagues, bosses, and agents you’ve worked with. You never know when there might be a connection that leads to new business.

    Partner with community businesses

    Mutually beneficial partnerships are always a great bet in this industry. Partner up with an interior designer who can stage your listings, moving companies who can cut your clients a good deal on their move, and cleaning services that can keep their new properties spic and span. In exchange, put their logos on your marketing materials and website, and send them business when the shoe fits.

    You can also consider partnering with local businesses that can display your business card or marketing materials in their stores and on their windows.

    Getting your name in print

    Nothing beats being considered an expert in your field. Reach out to local real estate reporters or sign up for a service like Help a Reporter Out or Qwoted, which allow you to weigh in on reporter requests and stories. These can be great ways to get your name in print without paying for a costly PR or media person.

    Neighborhood sale announcements

    You should always be promoting your recent sales within the neighborhood. For one, there’s interest there. Homeowners want to know what other nearby properties are selling for (since it impacts their home values), and they’re also just a little bit nosy.

    In the event they’ve been on the fence about selling their home — or even just in need of some cash — that sale announcment could be just what pushes them over the edge. And who better to handle their sale than someone who already knows the neighborhood?

    Staying in touch with past clients

    Though you’ll likely only help a client once or twice in their lives, you could help their friends and family even more. To do this, though, you need to stay top of mind. That means touching base every once in a while with a postcard, handwritten note, or even just an email to say hi. Pay special attention to past customers who were particularly happy with your service. They’ll be the most likely ones to refer you on to others if there’s a fit.

    Thorough listing presentations

    Listings are where the big money is, so pull out all the stops when you’ve got a shot at one. Create a mock-up marketing brochure, put together a slideshow of past sales and listings you’ve handled, and spend time digging up data to support your pricing and marketing plan. You want to impress the client at first pass (before they can consider other agents).

    Teaching others

    This is another way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Host first-time homebuyer seminars, partner with a local mortgage broker to go over loan options and common mortgage questions, or just put together a few webinars talking about the local market. The more you seem to know your stuff, the more buyers and sellers will turn to you for guidance.

    Community sponsorships

    Sponsoring community organizations is another solid way to get your name out there. Sponsor a local little league team and see your name on their jerseys or go in on a local health fair or farmers market and get your logo on the marketing materials. 

    Make sure to choose your sponsorships wisely, though. You’ll want to focus on achieving visibility in the neighborhoods you’re looking to get business (your name on a traveling baseball team that spends 75% of its time out of state probably isn’t worth the money.)

    Ready to get back to basics?

    If you’re on the hunt for new clients, don’t be afraid to go back to basics. Combine them with newer methods like social media, SEO, and PPC advertising for an even bigger impact.

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