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    If you’re so busy that you can barely find time to check off all the items on your to-do list, it might be time to hire an assistant. However, for many agents, hiring someone can be a new frontier.

    Not sure how to go about hiring a real estate assistant? Read these tips over so that you have a better idea of what to expect from this process.

    1. Define the job duties and salary first

    Before taking the leap to hire an assistant, most real estate agents are a one-man-show. Since they’re so used to doing everything on their own, it can be hard for some agents to hand over tasks to someone else. With that in mind, it’s important to take the time to define your assistant’s job duties before you start looking for the perfect candidate.

    Take the time to think about where you need the most help. Is it fielding calls and answering emails? Is it coordinating the paperwork on your existing transactions or is it lead generation? Once you have a clearer idea of which tasks you’re willing to hand over, you’ll be able to start creating a list of job duties for your posting.

    Similarly, you’ll also want to have a firm idea in mind of what you would like to pay your assistant. In general, licensed assistants tend to command higher wages than just a general office assistant. Still, it’s a good idea to do some do some research into the going rates in your area so that you know that you’ll be offering a fair wage.

    2. Consider if you need someone with real estate experience

    There are many reasons why you may want to hire someone with real estate experience, if not someone who already has their license. For one, explaining how transactions work and the intricacies of the real estate business is one of the hardest things about hiring an assistant. If you get someone with experience, you won’t have to worry about doing that.

    For another, legally, a licensed assistant can take on more tasks for you. While a general office assistant can coordinate your schedule, organize your paperwork, and prepare your marketing materials. A licensed assistant, on the other hand, can take care of showings for you, prepare offers on your behalf, and even attend closings.

    Ultimately, it’s up to you and your list of job duties to decide which type of assistant will be the best fit for you.

    3. Tap your network for referrals

    Once you’ve narrowed down all the details, it’s time to start advertising for the position. One common option is to post your job listing on a hiring website. However, a better avenue may be to ask your network for any referrals that they may have.

    On the one hand, posting on a job site can get costly. Plus, on the other, finding candidates who are connected to your network is a way to vet them before you meet them in person. Odds are, you’ll be able to get an overview of their strengths and weaknesses from your connections.

    4. Hold in-person interviews

    Once you have a few strong candidates in mind, the next step is to hold in-person interviews. Put simply, they will give you a better idea of if a particular candidate is the right fit for you than talking via email or over the phone.

    Remember, an interview is a give-and-take process. You should take the time to clarify what you’re looking for in an assistant and what your expectations are for whoever ends up filling the role. Then, you should also leave time for the candidate to tell you about themselves and their experience, as well as to answer any questions that they may have about the position.

    Ultimately, you’ll want to hire whomever you feel has the best mix of qualifications and experience while also being the best fit for you in terms of personality.

    5. Expect an adjustment period

    After you make your final decision, it’s important to realize that there will likely be a bit of an adjustment period, especially if the person you’ve hired to be your assistant is completely new to the world of real estate. Even the best assistants will need to get used to you and the way that you work.

    One way to get over the hump of the adjustment period faster is to consciously block out time in your schedule for training. Training is crucial because it allows your assistant to see how you would like things done, rather than having to figure it out on the fly. It also gives them time to familiarize themselves with your systems and to ask any questions that they may have.

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