Breaking It Down: Understanding Your Home Closing Costs
When you’re a first-time homebuyer, the entire concept of closing costs may be...
Agents: 5 Real Estate YouTube Channels You Should Be Watching
Part of being a successful real estate agent is constantly being willing to learn. If...
How to Sell a Tenant-Occupied Property
Selling rental properties can be challenging, particularly when they are occupied by...
How Often Can You Refinance Your Home?
Many homeowners wonder, “How often can you refinance your mortgage?” If...
How to Achieve a Great Professional (and Personal) Reputation
You care greatly about what people think of you — that’s good! How you’re...
How to Choose a Lending Partner
Forming strong business relationships with a loan officer takes time and effort. These...
Which Is More Important: The Loan Officer or the Lender?
The obvious answer to this question? Both. A lender should have the widest array of...
Your Company Has Core Values — But What Are Yours?
When we hear the term “core values” we usually think about the core values of...
9 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Give Back to Their Community
Real estate agents have a unique set of skills and experience that can benefit the...
6 College Packing Tips for Your Freshman Move
Getting ready to go to college can be a hectic time, especially when you consider that...
Lawn Mowing Tips for Beginners
Congratulations! You’ve just bought your first home and are finding yourself with a...
Tips for First-Time Sellers
There are plenty of tips to be found for first time homebuyers, but what about for tips...
How to Ask for Testimonials from Your Clients
Social recommendations sway consumers, and a potential client will want to know that...
6 Tips for New Gardeners
Spring is here and that means it’s time to plant a garden. If you love the idea of...
Staying Healthy in Real Estate: How Agents Can Be Healthier While on the Go
A lot of real estate agents spend the vast majority of their time on the go — and it...