6 Grammar & Writing Apps to Keep You From Embarrassing Yourself

As a mortgage loan officer, you deal with numbers all day long — but another important part of your profession is communication with clients. Every written communication you have should be pristine and error-free on your end.
To help you with this, here are six grammar & writing apps to keep you from embarrassing yourself in front of clients.
1. Whitesmoke
This complete grammar-checking tool works in conjunction with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook to make sure everything is correct and accurate. All you have to do is input your text into the main text box and click any of the options along the top menu. The grammar checker analyzes your writing and offers alternatives, and any grammar or writing issues you have will come with detailed explanations about they are incorrect. The spell checker will point out misspellings, words used in the wrong context, and will offer suggestions in a column down the side of the page so you can adjust. This software checks grammar in real-time and highlights errors clearly so you can pinpoint exactly where they are.
2. Grammarly
Grammarly serves as a second set of eyes to proofread anything and everything you write. The app’s browser extension suggests grammar, spelling, and punctuation improvements. The premium version of Grammarly lets writers choose from different writing styles like professional, creative, and casual. You also get to choose what kinds of errors you want to catch — whether it’s repetition, contextual spelling, stylistic errors, etc. Not only does the app tell you when you have made an error, but it also offers alternatives and an explanation as to why it is wrong. There is also an embedded plagiarism-checker so that you are safe.
3. Ginger
This is a comprehensive language and grammar checker that not only checks both spelling and grammar, but also offers contextual spelling correction, can make your writing flow more smoothly, and will pick up phonetic spelling mistakes. Ginger also offers English practice courses based on the mistakes you make and has the ability to translate over 40 languages.
4. Google Dictionary
Google Dictionary isn’t packed full of features, but it is incredibly useful. This Chrome extension brings up the definition of any word when you double-click on it. If you are ever scanning text and you don’t understand a particular word, you can find out the definition in seconds. Google Dictionary recognizes names and products as well as plain words.
5. Hemingway
The Hemingway app helps you make your writing clear and succinct. It helps keep thoughts, sentences, and paragraphs short so that you are only providing information that is absolutely needed. This is a useful tool to use in emails to potential clients looking to obtain a mortgage. The app is simple and very easy to use, so there is no excuse not to implement it into your everyday tasks.
6. Readable.io
This app is a useful tool for determining how comprehensive a piece of writing is. The app uses several readability measurements and also rates the test for sentiment and density. Any problematic sections of text are highlighted so you can easily locate where you can improve your writing.