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    We probably spend more time on email than anything else, making it one of the most direct and successful ways to communicate with prospects looking to obtain a mortgage loan. When pitching yourself via email, you want to keep it short and sweet, but with plenty of quality information that helps you seal the deal and get the prospect to reach out.

    Here are five best practices when pitching yourself via email.

    1. Give real examples

    Instead of just talking about all that you have accomplished and patting yourself on the back, give real examples of how you have helped clients navigate through a seamless mortgage process and share a big win you have had for a client recently. This will give substance to your pitch. If you have testimonials from clients, include short snippets of these in your email.

    2. Spotlight what makes you stand out

    People do not want to deal with sales pitches and they don’t want to hear the same pitch they’ve heard a million times before. Tell them what makes you unique as a mortgage loan officer. Perhaps it is your timeliness, knowledge of the industry, your reputation within your community, or your prompt turnaround time. Highlight exactly what makes you different.

    3. Make sure to include important info

    Do not overdo it and get carried away with meaningless information. The more succinct and direct your message is, the better. Don’t forget to include important info like your name, your company’s name, and where your office is located along with your specialties.

    4. Tailor the message

    Not every client is looking for the same thing. Perhaps some are looking to refinance a current mortgage, while others are looking to take out an FHA loan their first home. Know your audience and tailor your message accordingly. A generic pitch will not appeal to anyone or gain you new clients. The more personalized the email is, the greater chance you have of earning more time to show them what you can offer.

    5. Make the email about them

    People like to hear about themselves and love to talk about themselves, so use this to your advantage and make the email pitch more about them than you. They want to know how you can serve them and help them obtain a mortgage loan. When you do talk about yourself, make sure you are speaking to the characteristics and attributes you have that can help make this process easy for them. This is especially crucial for those new to this process buying their first home.

    Pitching yourself via email can be a really smart move as long as you are strategic and practical in your approach. Keep the email direct with valuable information and you never know how many new clients you may gain from this effort.

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